Tuesday, January 11, 2005

AM fun...

So if you know or don't know I am having my plumbing checked, to see if the trauma and surgery (if you missed the two surgeries, then you missed the good stuff and that is another story), it is good to make sure that all highways are clear and that everyone can pass the physical. So I have to give a sample to the lab. More on that tomorrow ......well couldn't wait.
there is something odd about driving around with your own sperm specimen, trying to keep it the right temperature and wondering, "good goggley moggley what if I am in an accident?" Forget having clean underwear. I don't want the investigator looking over the scene and thinking, "Looks like a standard accident. WAIT! What the hell is that? Who drives around with...A...A...oh god I touched it! Hey Fred, we got a weirdo." Now imagine how many great stories they have to tell you. I know their jobs probably give them a lot of great stories, just like mine, but I don't want to be another person story. God knows I am already part of so many other stories. Such as...I think that guy has terets (spelling doesn't count) all he says is profanity or who the hell is that and why is he doing that. Then again it is kind of fun to be parts of a story. There will always be Tbz, humping (a joke) a bush in front of the dorms, when we would return drunk. That bush took a beating and eventually looked like a saddle at the end of the first term. GOOD TIMES. I will most likely ask my friends to submit their favorite stories, because ....well why not.
And I am off point. Anyway specimen delivered, no accident, mission accomplished. And remember I would show you my scars, but you don't really want to see them..

Voldmort attacked my sack!


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