Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I stop a truck a 2 am for equipment violation.
The driver is suspended, but the vehicle is parked in a driveway. The passenger laughs.
"we are visiting the people here we will park it"
-ok, don't be the guy that gets two tickets in the same night.

I drive off head towards a car that isn't stopping for another officer. The car stops and I head back to patrolling the area.
I see the same truck coming out a side road. The passenger is driving.
-you got a license right?
-care to prove it?
"it's in my purse, want to me to dig it out?"
"I don't have a license"
-that's what I thought.

The passenger is cooperative. I tell them the will be one of the notable traffic stops 2 Driving while suspended from the same car. They laugh and ask for pictures and stickers. They get stickers.


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