Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I can't help you

Wayne calls again. Wayne is a young guy who lives with his extended family.
This is the 8 call in the last 2 weeks. Wayne believes his neighbors are making too much noise.
I have driven by the neighbors house. I have walked up to the neighbors house, trying to hear if they are loud. They are not loud. I have talked to the neighbors. They are a hard working family. They aren't making more noise than a family of 5 would at 5 pm. They have tried to be considerate of Wayne.

-Hey Wayne
"there music is too loud"
-no it isn't
"can you tell them to turn it down"
-no I will not. it is not loud and it is 5 pm
"they won't listen to me.
-I understand why. there is no sound coming from there house and it is not loud.
"could you tell them to turn down the music?"
-Wayne, like I and the other officers have told you it is not a unreasonable amount of noise. It is a residential neighborhood and it is 5 pm.
"it is so loud"
-Wayne there isn't any sound coming from them
"can't you ask them to turn it down?"
-Wayne I can't help you
"I want to talk to a supervisor"
-you are more then welcome to talk to a supervisor, but he will tell you the same thing, have a safe night


Blogger Jade said...

When my inlaws lived in Oregon, their neighbors used to complain several times a week that the music coming from their house was too loud, in the middle of the day when the neighbor across the street was trying to nap. They were targeted because of the drum set in the garage (which was occasionally used in the middle of the day, but never after dinner time) The complaints came in even when nobody was home, nobody playing music.

It turns out most of the noise came from the other side of a group of trees... where the local high school marching band would practice in the afternoons.

11:44 AM  
Blogger deputydog said...

i can't figure him out. i have been to "noisy" houses were no one complains about it and then there is this guy.

2:16 PM  

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