Monday, August 08, 2011

Bullet Points

The bullet points of my 4 day "10 hr" shifts of the week.
I traveled roughly 1600 miles.
I had 70 primary calls-which includes traffic stops, but me being a backup or secondary unit and doesn't include me clearing calls that get put into holding. (holding calls are not dispatched due to lack of available officer, non priority etc).
My "friday" (the last day of my work week) I got called in 2 hours early and left 2.5 hrs after my shift ended. roughly 14.5 hours followed by
getting off work at 5:30 am, having an phone meeting at 6 that will lasted until 7 and then I have grand jury at 9:30.


Blogger Jade said...

I get that your post is an overview pointing out a couple of key events... but being a cop and using the entry title "Bullet Points" can make readers a little nervous. Just sayin'. :)
How is your back doing with all those hours in the car?

10:15 AM  
Blogger deputydog said...

i was up for 23 hrs. body feels like it.

6:44 PM  

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