Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Employee Assistance Program

aka: Horse Shit.
Never try anything new or touchy feely with people who are, cynical, in contract disputes, or mad at management. 2 hours for a training that talked about how to build a better work sight, with plenty of managers around. Followed by harassment, diversity, "how to talk to people" role play. "I feel offended when you grab my ass and I would like you to stop." Although nothing like the occasional smart ass remarks to break up the almost constant crap.
Diversity is this...Which leads me to Question, Why the hell do I care? Not that I don't care that Shelly is an 40 yr old, black, single mom, but maily that she is a good worker and I treat her like an adult. I don't care were she went to school or if she has an extra arm. I don't frigging care. I don't think about my fellow employees in the terms of diversity, it's prejudicial. I think them as workers and people. Wait, that only makes me seem a little crazy. Does anyone at work care, or should they treat me different because I may have Indian heritage? Does that mean I can discount Steve? Who know, maybe some people were raised goofy. Maybe I don't understand it in terms of a frick' company. I have never been introduced as the white male employee, heterosexual, pagan, pre-operative, transgender, muppet loving, ska fan.


Blogger Jade said...


8:44 PM  

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