Tuesday, August 09, 2005

camping bitches

I complain about work, but I rather talk about the fun I had camping with the clan of freaks. Went with Kim + Sam, Christa+ Chris, Corin, Carla+Chloe+Beau, and Jared + Ginna (rockin floaty), plus our dogs, Ripley, Looby, Ozzie, and Jared's two small dogs. We left the 104 degree weather in our area to go to Diamond Lake. It was 80 degrees at the lake and it was 30 odd feet from our campsite to a nice part of the lake.
Toni and I got there set up our tent in a nice shady area, get out the coolers, and go look at the lake. We got there first, so we were excited and took our dogs to the lake. Ended up in the lake, no huge algae blooms, removed any huge snags from the area we were planning to swim in. Nothing worse than swimming and getting a nice stick up your arse.
Beau and Carla arrived shortly after that and we helped them unload and set up. Everyone else arrived shortly after that, except Sam who came the next day.
Nothing beats a week like a weekend with friends. Drunken Cartwheels in the lake are the best. Although my flashlight has asked to see a therapist....
most of the pictures are too dirty for the internet


Blogger Jade said...

Most of the pictures are too dirty for the internet?!? That must be *really* bad...

2:06 PM  

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