Thursday, May 06, 2010

Grand Jury

Another day another subpoena.
For grand jury.
Erik took Jane across state lines. Erik isn't a family member. Jane is 16. Erik goes to jail. Jane tells me several interesting things about what Erik gave her and made/allowed do. Erik was to high to tell me anything. Jane is to be returned to her state after giving a statement and housed at Juvenile Hall, waiting transport.

Grand Jury asks the questions.
How you get there?
What did you do?
How do you know this?

I am not allowed to give hearsay testimony, so I can't tell them anything about what Jane told me.
The ADA tells me to stop and wants me to bring them Jane. I explain I am not in charge of her and she belongs to other state. I call Sgt. and tell him the news. Sgt. tells me Jane is due to leave today and sounds perturbed.
-just passing the message.


Anonymous RD said...

It's the ADA's job to subpoena the witnesses he needs.

12:06 AM  
Blogger deputydog said...

that is what i told the ada and the sgt

10:02 AM  

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