Wednesday, May 03, 2006

And now sports

So I have been busier than normal. Lets see; my assistant left at work. The lady who had been working for 20 years, who was a nice old lady who had been screwed over a couple of times. She will be driving the long way to Michigan and back. Which is nice for her, but they replaced her with the worst person available. Okay actually she is the 2nd worst person. The other person who is slow and doesn't work very well evidently was unavailable. I got another older lady who is scattered brained at least. It wasn't the fact that management knew my old assistant was going to retire (she had been counting it done for the last year). About a month before she was to retire they decided to have her train the other lady. 2 hours a week for a month and a couple of full days, when they didn't drag her back to her old job because the front office was "slammed". And for the record 5 ladies sitting around the office talking is not being slammed....
So, the replacement lady tells me today that she will be working in the front office for the next 2 months. So now the lady who loses thing on her own desk, will be taking the 100-300 pieces of paper back and forth from my office all day (ok a cubicle is not an office).

But what the hell does management care. Yes, management can be considered a swear word, like ass bandit, hobolover, and twit. Why do you ask? Management who lies to me, "we can't send you to that training because the budget is tight.", which is a lie in the fact that others are going to training all over the place. The real reason, I think, is that I am looking for another job and they don't want to waste the money. At least have the honesty to tell me that. Non-eye contact is also a big sign.
Can I really complain about a manager who I have seen for about 18 minutes in the last 7 months, excluding meetings, passing in the hall and bathroom. He has "threatened" to have a meeting to figure out what I am actually doing.


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