Monday, December 28, 2009


patrolling the main highway, making sure holiday traffic keeps the speeds reasonable. I head north to take a call. I talk to another officer who had a part in my call. The fields near the highway are flooded and full of duck and geese. As I head north I look to the east and notice, what I think is a crane (possibly a stork) approximately 5' long heading west at a low elevation. At first I pay no attention other than wow that is a big bird flying low. Only to realize it is flying at passenger window elevation and it hasn't noticed it is going to hit the passenger window. I slow down and swerve to avoid the bird, which suddenly averts and changes directions, yelling on the phone to the other officer
"that bird tried to kill me!"


Blogger Jade said...

It might have been a heron, they are huge up close :)

11:26 PM  
Blogger deputydog said...

i think it may have been a blue heron. there are alot due to the flooded areas

9:51 AM  

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