Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Summer Camp

If I remember I will take a picture and see if I can upload it to the blog.
Then I could point out different people ate camp with me. Having no picture, but too much freetime right now I will run down the top people, their nicknames, and what they are known for

Bruce -really name William, said he had "dangerous erections, asking questions that are really statements that hold the class over for time
Typhoid Mary - Leslie, got everyone sick, may still have pink eye
John Diddy - John, love hip hop, hitting on girls, and being a braggart
Metro - Brian, 5 kids, maybe a metrosexual and talks more on cell phone, than 99% of class
Keith or Fanface - almost hit face with fan or fan with face, interesting fact was married a week and a half, caught wife cheating on him, only lefty and smoker of camp
Janice - might be the oldest person there, calls everyone hun
Redbeard - me, apparently on the top of the TMI list
Chickenhawk- Brady spends time doing obvious bimbo things so that the other Male camp members, especially the members from different groups will notice her, in attempts to hook her a husband (also known as damage goods)
Lorraine - although from Eugene, "is not a tree hugging liberal"
Remedial - Eric, restating the obvious and making statements that drag the class out
Popeye - Merissa, who has the most incredible facial pains when remedial talks
Javelin - no her name is Javelin, whose statement of the week...
"What do you mean ladies hide razor blades in their vaginas?" her
"I don't know the mechanics of it, since I don't have one but I know it can be done" guy
Followed by a discussion about without the plumbing or real experience it is hard for a male to describe or really discuss how that is possible
I know I am forgetting several people but what the hell do I know.


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