Thursday, March 03, 2005

Universal Hooligans

Returned from camp and only suffering minor effects from the fun parts.
The two electrical jolts were great, now I know... Getting tuckered is not a ride at Disneyland. Although a percentage of the population should be tazed for one reason or another. That is neither here or there, which brings me to the vague thing that I will call my point.
Being gone for 1 month from work was the actual learning experience. Coming back to the cubicle, that damned cubicle with it's stupid gray paneling. Sitting at the same old desk doing the same old crap. Oh wait I get to explain to all 45 people that I work with how great summer camp was. Then there is the work that piled up, that someone was supposed to do but no on did, which took a week to just get re-established.
Then it all sinks in...What a joke. I am having one of those thought moments were I realize I would rather be running around doing whatever the hell I want, but then realize shortly after that that I love my wife, house, family, dogs, and while I could panhandle by the freeway(no I couldn't), this job allows for those things. I just have to do things other than working. Especially with the weather so nice, no excuses. Maybe I will write a poem about rainbows...

the random question of the day is...In the muppet movie, Kermit sings "why are there so many songs about rainbows?" and I can't for the life of me think of more than two. The song from Wizard of Oz and the song "Rainbows and Lollipops" (used on the Simpsons).
So if you can think of any let me know.
And remember you could be doing something worse with your free time.


Blogger Jade said...

Say say oh playmate
come out and play with me
and bring your dollies three
climb up my apple tree
slide down my rainbowinto my cellar door
and we'll be jolly friends
forever more, more, 3, 4

And that Willy Wonka Candman song has something about a rainbow in it.

Yes, I'm bored.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Erik Bishoff said...

Don't be dissin' my muppets man... Gonzo will be puttin a cap in yo' ass!

Okay... so there is really only one TRUE rainbow song.

On another note... there just aren't enough midget (sorry... "little-people") movies out there like there used to be. Anyone remember Under the Rainbow?

11:19 PM  

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