Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pocket full of Dreams

Anyhow that is just something to say.
My wife just asked what she could make at one of those pottery decorate and bake places
a bowl? a coffee cup? a pitcher?

"A Katana!"...always the smart ass.
To the bog of eternal stench!!!!!
lets see secrets about me

1. I have met Bruce Campbell professionally and personally (don't ask don't tell)

2. I have a extreme dislike for needles. Why? Poison Oak shot when I was a kid, the stupid nurse made it bleed and it bruised up. Along with 8 teeth that were removed baby and then the permaneant. Did you know how a needle going into your gums feels. Although I have tattoos and will get more.

3. I have never been out of the country and have lived in Oregon my whole life. Sure I have been to Hawaii, but I have never been to Canada or Mexico...or even Europe.

4. I want to go to Germany for Octoberfest!!!!BBEEEER!

5. I once broke my friends arm in the 4th grade, jungle gym accident. I had a hold of his arm and he fell, crack.

6. I am sorry to admit I met Bill Walton when I lived in Roseburg and may still have his autograph, but it's Bill "I followed the Dead and make poop look smart" Walton.

7. My brother used a bike lock to chain me to a tree once and I had to take my pants off to get free.

8. When out with my father in law to see Saving Private Ryan, I had to toss my underwear. I sat down to do my business and did not notice the puddle of suspect water around the bottom of the toilet, which my underwear partially landed in and quickly absorbed the strange fluid. Rather than have any exposure to bathroom floor water I ditched the undies and sat through the movie with my father in law, commando. Only afterwards when picked up from the movie by my wife and mother in law did I request to return home. "why?" they asked....
"So I get put on some underwear", the story unfolded.

there you go some useless, some disturbing.


Blogger Jade said...

1 - Cool! :)
2 - I seem to remember your mom had a lot of dental work she had to have done too, right? Whenever I think of her, I picture this story she told about having braces on & drinking soup with a lot of herbs floating in it, and they all stuck to her teeth.
3 - Canada is beautiful. Mexico is great for the beaches.
5 - Ouch!
7 - Your brother is funny :) Question is, did you run inside and put pants on before or after you wrestled him to the ground?
8- Well, better that than try to wash them in the sink & wait for them to dry.

Have a happy 4th of July

8:34 AM  

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