Saturday, August 04, 2007

Best Week Ever

I am having the best week ever. How you may ask? Lets review
1. Driving to Bend to Drive to Pendleton for job interview. I get my first speeding ticket (in a county that has no traffic school DAMN YOU). Hell I was speeding but it just puts you in a great mood.
2. Get to Bend and then turn around and drive 4 hours to Pendleton, (think upper right corner of Oregon) at 4 AM. I have to wait 30 minutes for the interview and they think I have a harassment charge and then they give me the conditional Job offer (wait for it). So I change in an Albertsons parking lot and drive back to Bend. It isn't until the next day that I realise that I have no wallet. The only good thing is that Albertsons has it, all cards and DL and is mailing it to me
3. At work I am talking to the wife and I have accidentally key my radio which broadcasts my conversation with her to the county. Lucky nothing embarrassing out
4. While talking a co-worker on the phone at work I end the conversation with "love you" Obviously I am not thinking. The only person I really talk to on the phone is my wife and I always end it with "love you". Yeah the co-worker loves it, said didn't realize I felt that way about him. endless shit for me.
5. Now with the last thing is the job offer, I have 2 weeks before I have to get a real estate agent and start reading the house for sale. Maybe to move to Pendleton (7 hours from Medford). I have two other job interviews/chances that would be easier i.e. no moving.


Blogger Jade said...

You know, that doesn't sound like a very good week actually... oh wait! That was SARCASM! I get it now! Hahahahahaha! :)

It's good that you are getting your wallet back. I've left my wallet and/or purse in a grocery store or mall a total of about 4 times, by some miracle I've managed to get it back each time unharmed. Good luck with your closer interviews, I hope something pans out for you soon!

8:50 PM  

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