Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Much better now

So after 2.5 days i finally feel better. I have been suffereing what can only be described as andrenaline poisoning.

What the heck is that?

Well is probably is connect to my Saturday with the lady trying to off herself, but mainly it is the guy having a heart attack and falling in his bathroom. Who got there first? this guy. Who gets to start assessing the area, talking to the frantic wife, moving the guy around to do a proper first assessment, to give the first rescue breaths and chest compressions? that is right this guy. Man that will wipe you out.

Friends came over that night so I was still pretty unaware. I spent the next day with friends (thanks Christa, Carla and Chris, especially the chocolate stout) and their kids (which is awesome Chloe and Cole rock!), nothing like holding a baby for while to calm your ass down. But even after they left, I felt just kind of ugh and blah and tired. I took a nap and still went to bed early.

I took a nap yesterday and still went to bed early again. My body just was out of it. Even with exercise I felt like i had a bug. the wife is awesome for putting up with it.

I woke up fine this morning, even after a weird dream. The manager for radio shack called the police on me for "being disorderly", which was waiting for my wife to pick something out. So when she woke up this morning..."You got me thrown out of RAdio shack and the jerk of a manager wanted me arrested!"

Take that sense and reason!


Blogger Jade said...

Dan once took an intro to police course and the teacher talked about the stress the job put on the body... the adrenaline rush of dealing with a domestic dispute, then having to calm down for the next call of getting a cat out of a tree for a little old lady. The massive highs and lows are hard on the body.

It's funny, the dream you had... last week I had a dream you were coming out of a house, gun in hand but you weren't a cop, I think you were robbing the house - I was in the back of a car or minivan of some sort - no idea who the driver/passenger in the front were.

11:26 PM  

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