Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Good fight

With summer comes the 80+ degree weather, comes the battle to stay hydrated and cool. The gear I am wearing heats up the my body. I pack around two bottles of ice cold water, which I go through quickly.

Backing up another officer who is been on a traffic stop for 3 hours, because an alleged violation of a restraining order.
Casandra has kids with Marco. Marco got a restraining order against Casandra, thinking he can harass her and get her into trouble, mainly drunkenly jumping in front of her car and kicking the car.
This time he was drunk and told her to pick up the kids, then called police stating she kidnapped the kids. She was stopped on the way home and for 3 hours sits on the side of the road, while officers sort everything out.

Familiar with Casandra I talk with her while the other officer talks to judges. Casandra's three kids jump around the car. They are polite kids, hungry and thirsty.
The roadside is 90 and the car is hotter.
I offer most of my water bottle for the kids to split and dig into my stash of nature bars to give the kids.


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