Tuesday, August 17, 2010


As I am patrolling a neighborhood at night I come across a man in the dark, in the roadway.

He is fighting for his life on his back.
Locked in a struggle with a bike and his sobriety.
I stop
-are you okay?
-riding your bike and crash?
-so you are okay, can you get up and start walking home?

he gets up, set the bike up and staggers trying to look tough.
-you live right down the street, if you are okay and don't want to press charges against the bike, then go home, don't ride the bike.

he walks the bike to his house and goes inside. I dispo the call "fight between man and his bike, neither party wants to press charges and he is home"


Blogger Jade said...

Why do I picture a smirk on your face when I'm reading this? :)

12:52 PM  

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