Monday, September 21, 2009


Sally is a cab driver. She leases the cab from the company and starts each shift "buying time" from the cab company, already in the hole.

Sally calls she is missing $30. Tina's mom called and charged $20 on a card to take Tina around. Tina starts out the ride by asking Sally for the leftover $ from the fare. Sally then drives Tina to Albertsons. Tina convinces Sally to take an item inside to return it, while Tina stays in the car. Sally then drops Tina off at a salon near lotto den. Sally gets back to her station and discovers $30 is missing from her cab. Sally searches the car, she can't find the money and she has only 1 fare, Tina.

I look for Tina at her house and then at the Salon and lotto den. Tina is outside the lotto den. She denies taking the money, but allows me to look in her bag. I find no money but a box of self tanner, with no receipt. Tina wants me to call one of the Detectives. I call the detective and informs me Tina is working for them doing buys. I explain I can't prove Tina took the money.

I have another officer watch Tina while I go talk to the Salon and the lotto den. The manager of the Salon confirms Tina came in, but didn't buy anything. I ask to see her selection of self tanner. They have the same type of tannner found in Tina's purse. The manager thinks it is odd because there are only two boxes on display and there were 3 when she opened the store. I ask if she could identify Tina and a box of tanner to see if it belonged inventory. She also confirms she has not sold any of that type of tanner for several months. She confirms Tina came in and the box was in her inventory and not purchased. Tina comes in regularly and never buys anything. The manager has suspected her of stealing for months, but never could catch her.

I call the detective and tell him Tina is now shoplifting.
"okay, screw her, arrest her. she isn't smart enough to not steal with 26 months over her head."
-will do.
I wasn't asking the Detective permission, but it best not to ruffle their feathers or take them out of the loop.

Tina you are under arrest for stealing the tanner. I can't prove you took the $30 but it didn't walk out of the cab and you were the only in the cab.

Tina denies taking the tanner stating she bought it months ago and has a receipt at home....somewhere.

Tina "okay i took the tanner, but I didn't take the money. I put $50 in the lotto machines, so I couldn't have 30. Call the detective. "
-30 + 20 is 50 and I am guessing it all went into lotto machine. i did, he said you are on your own. you are a thief and a liar and you are going to jail


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