Sunday, September 20, 2009

Traffic Court

I average about 5 traffic tickets a shift. Not bad, but lead traffic guy averages about 14 s shift, but he doesn't take too many calls.
I had traffic court last week 1 ticket. Mr. H took offense to getting a speeding ticket. He told me when i gave it to him. I stopped two cars at once, H was the second.
Mr. H was prepared with 3 pages of questions for me. Mr. H doesn't want the ticket and asks snarky questions.

how far he was behind car #1? -about 100 ft
I am certified for all individual types of radar in each car? - no I don't have to be.
how long i have work in LE?-3 years
how long i have work radar?-3 years
how long i worked for the department?- 10 months
who was the second car that pulled up behind you? -i don't remember, it most likely was OSP checking on me
what did he talk about?- I don't remember, probably checking if i was ok
why did he point at the vehicles?- i don't know
do you pull over vehicles going 58 in a 55?- not unless it's unsafe for the conditions
so you are breaking the law by not enforcing it?- no, it just not reasonable
is radar 100%?- no.

it went on for 20 minutes for a speeding ticket. the judge says she will review and mail a judgement. Mr H. leaves I walk out and someone awaiting to testify for another trial comes out and say
"man how do you put up with that? I wanted to kick that guys ass"
-it is no a problem, he didn't want a ticket and everyone gets their chance to argue

i get into my car and start to drive off. Mr H waves me down in the parking lot
"No hard feelings, I have worked with LE for years, I respect what you do"
-not a problem, everyone gets a chance to show there side and it was a interesting argument
he shakes my hand i drive off


Blogger Jade said...

He sounds like he is a lawyer or something.

10:24 PM  
Blogger deputydog said...

a professor at the local community college

8:31 PM  

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