Monday, May 05, 2008

I can feel my eyeballs

there is nothing more entertaining than the feeling all the details of your eyeballs. not the normal wear and tear of normal use, but the 5 am, been at work for 12 hours and up for almost 20 hrs. you can feel the little veins in the back and the bottom. they throb and are attached ears.

which ties in to the earpiece. which ties in to radio voice. when i was being trained i was exposed to a pretty regular assortment of standard radio voices, calm and even kealed. Most were male and all had same jargon and timber. I never noticed until there was a difference. Kind of how I miss breathing through my nose when I get a cold (but i digress). I had a trainer who in particular hated three of the four of the people to be mentioned on soon to be revealed list. It didn't bug me at the time, but now it drives me batty. just speak like everyone else. you aren't funny, it is not a contest to come up with funny phonetic alphabet name jumbles, you aren't a dj. Listening to the other 7 departments on the same band gives you alot of ammo.

I have a list of the offenders and why.
1-the scottish guy - frankly i thought he was a hoot when i started, i wanted him to say "crickey" or "dingo ate my baby", or "very clever ms. moneypenny", or a thousand other funny things but he never did it was alway "123 traffic". he just bugged my trainer, at least he was professional and courteous. he moved on to bigger ponds so no more.
2- the spanish guy - the fact that no one can understand you, might be a problem. part of radio traffic is that others don't have ask you to repeat yourself or wonder what the frack you said. he has gone away.
3-laughing at his own "jokes" or dj guy -it should sound like "David Victor Mary 238" not " Donny Valentine Moose 238" and it shouldn't be done with the odd rhythm, like your announcing the next big hit from Debi Gibson or believing your are the next Rick Dees. fortunately someone had the "GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER TALK" with him and no more gum flapping.
4- the new dispatch lady - she stinks. i didn't know what i was missing with the other dispatchers 'til you get the one who gets frazzled easily, has to you repeat everything (and everyone else) " he said he was on-duty you dumbass!", and doesn't anticipate well. there is no rhythm, no confidence, or helpful tone, just irritation and chaos. you curse and wish A was working.

Evidently I can not be a complainant in an ordinance violation, someone else has to complain. Really? So the guy peeing in the bush in front of me, I have to wait until I get a call?
So the guy with an open beer, I have to wait until I get a call?
So the two guys with rifles walking down the street, I have to wait until I get a call?
I think I am suppose to be a self starter so....
Yeah, I understand certain ones I need a complainant but certain one need common sense (which I was told I don't because I was not in the 35-45 yr old age group). Raindog says shut up and agree., bbq, dogs, wife, hammock and cooler .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What. Public Urination is offense littering. You need no complainant.

As for beer in public, you have funny laws. For us, its a unclassified (a) misdemeanor, no complainant needed.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Jade said...

Foz, you are out in the middle of nowhere... doesn't everyone carry rifles out there? I thought it was some kind of fashion accessory.

8:55 PM  
Blogger deputydog said...

rd - city ordinance means our court our $, besides the DA may dismiss.
2- we don't have unclassified misdemeanor - it has to be a crime type of deal.

jade- the guy a share a car with had an unsecured .22 rifle (which he told me went off if not operated properly).

6:33 PM  

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