Monday, February 23, 2009


NHI = no humans involved

I get a call a frequent flyer has been assaulted.
I arrive on scene J has been assaulted by C. I search J, he has had bear mace and knives, on him the last four times I talked with him.

"I am the victim"
-yup, but you have had weapons on you each time.
"C assaulted me. He chased me with bear mace and threatened to kill me"

C drives up. He also is a frequent flyer by association (in questioning/by mentioning).

C says " I saw him walking down the street and then he flips me off. I get out of the car and he starts running around like an idiot. I didn't have any weapons" No weapons on him or in his car.

Witness says "these two idiots are running around my yard, yelling at each other. I saw no weapons."

then the talk both of them but separate

-stay away from each other. don't call each other. don't do any high school "he said she said BS". I get another call like this I will take you both to jail. I am tired of it. The neighborhood, the DA, the Sheriff don't have to put up with it.

C "I understand, won't happen again. I don't need this"
-great you are free to leave

J "I understand, but you couldn't arrest me for something like this."
-great try me. I won't have a hard time proving it.

J head off being a twitchy little flyer.

the gentleman with near fatal roll over, possible DUI, is alive no neck/head injury. He is on surgery #2 at OHSU. City PD calls. The car is stolen, from a house. The house broken into and totally thrashed. At least two felonies and the DUII await after the surgeries.


Blogger Jade said...

You could arrest J for disturbing the peace, can't you? Even if he has no weapons?

10:54 AM  
Blogger deputydog said...

yes, I can.
and yes I did the three days later.

9:56 AM  

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