Thursday, June 04, 2009


I have been at my department for 7 months now.

I feels like home.

As I sat in the briefing room over three days on three separate occasions. It feels like home.

The first incident involves M shooting a rubber band into my eye during briefing.

The next involves K trying to write a DUI report while M, O and me are laughing as W rewards the attack dog with playing and throwing an empty two liter bottle. It just happens that K is uneasy by the attack dogs presence, so W throws the bottle just close enough to K to make him squeal.
K is a large mean looking guy, the squeals are driving M, O, W and me crazy with laughter. The only reason W does it, cuz K squeals.

The 3rd incident involves swings getting ready to load up the cars for a shift and day shift unloading. I am grabbing a rifle and shotgun out of the safe. Then it happens...highlighter to the temple from across the room. There is laughter from the room. I insist I have to go home and put beer on it. I am unable to find an eye patch to wear to work the next day.

There are the weird relatives.

The unruly brothers.

The ditsy sisters.

The odd uncle.

The caring aunt.

My first department was terrible, not friendly a bunch of individuals.
My second department was good, but not very big.
This one seems like home, good days and bad days.


Blogger Jade said...

I'm glad your work environment is so comfortable, that is a wonderful thing to find! :)

2:29 PM  

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