Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Can't win them all

As much as I would like to win every time (or frackin close), I can't. Mostly I learned that years ago when I worked probation. The judge has the final word. Don't take it personal, sometimes the judge is soft, sometime they are want the person to have a chance. Move on do your job.

I am sitting late Friday night, early Saturday morning, blacked out at a four way stop. I am waiting for drunks to blow the stop sign or "chicken dinner" cars to come by.

I hear a car approaching. The thump thump of the stereo, from over two blocks away, coming from behind me. I see a Jeep approach. It sees me and music stops and turn the street before where my car is parked.

Great, I can just parallel it, because I believe it is trying to come out two blocks down on the main drag. I expect it to pop out onto one of the side streets. I search for the car. But, there are no cars, no tail lights and no one around. I backtrack where I saw the car turn. There is a jeep parked in a lot near the back entrance to a bar. There is male #1 in the passenger seat. Male #2 is near the back of the Jeep smoking. No one in the driver seat.

I drive up and ask if they were just coming down the street and parked. Male #2 "yes"
Are you the driver? Male #2 "no, he just went into the bar."

Both #1 and #2 smell like alcoholic beverages and are drunk. Neither male say he was driving and their buddy Ryan, was driving.

Why did Ryan take off? Male #2 "he was going to the store."
-There are only three things open in town and they are all bars. Call you buddy tell him to get back here.-

Male #1 and #2 are both suspended. #1 is on probation and has a no alcohol clause. So I contact the PO, who issues a detainer. One in custody.

#2 say his buddy, now named Mike, was driving, who he just bought the vehicle from. I call Mike, who was asleep and sold the vehicle to #2 about 10 days ago. #2 states there he did bought it, but another buddy was driving and he doesn't want to get him in trouble. #2 says there is no insurance on the vehicle.

I list the charges that I will be charging #2 with if he doesn't start telling the truth. I take the keys and take #1 to jail. I tell #2 I want him to get his "buddy" on the phone and I tell him to get back down here. #1 won't tell me what happened. #1 wonders how long he will be in jail he is the car provider for his paralyzed uncle. #2 promised to care for the uncle while #1 is in jail.

I make the trip to jail and back and meet with #2. He has a new name, William. I find the number for William Jr and Sr. The phone is busy. I am able to contact the grandmother who doesn't think either was in town.

I'm stuck. I am pretty sure #2 was driving the car. I am pretty sure I could arrest him for DUII. I could also get him for DWS-V, Driving Uninsured, False Info, and what else I can think of....
I didn't see him operate the vehicle. I didn't see him exit the vehicle. I lost sight of the vehicle that it would be reasonable (but not frackin probable) another person could have got out of the driver's seat and ran. With no driver I can't issue tickets, witthout a great defense (it would be thrown out by any good defense lawyer).

It bugs me. I give him his keys back telling him the if I see it move it will be stopped and impounded.

The car stays there all night. It's gone the next day. I call William, he wasn't there #2 called him and asked him to lie, because #2 was driving. William wanted no part. I remind William how good a buddy #2 is. #2 also called earlier bragging about driving home, out of the area.

I call #2. I ask him how the drive home was. #2 denies it.

-WRONG! I know you were driving last night and drove home today-
"No, I didn't and I wasn't"
-WRONG. If try to get people to lie to me you should at least get your story correct and not brag about it. -
"I wasn't driving."
-BULLSHIT!, So why should call the local PD and tell them not to arrest you and take your car?
"WHAT?! I...."

click, I hang up. he thinks he is deep shit. I call the local PD and request a call from an officer.
-Hey can you go to 123 S. Street and see if vehicle #123TYR is there?-
"Hey this Dpty. Zues. I am at 123 Street and the vehicle is there. Whats up?"

I explain the situation and give him the guys information. I ask for a favor watch the car, the house and guy. If he could lay some paper on the guy it would make my week.
"no problem, I am a traffic officer, I'll get it down.
-Thanks, let me know if you hit pay dirt.

I explain it to another officer who agrees I could arrest and cite him, but it would be weak at best.
I run into the cousin of male #1. He heard what happened. I point out what a good buddy #2 was to him and how #1's uncle won't have anybody to look out for him, or how I probably wouldn't have paid attention to #1 if I was able to prove #2 was driving. The cousin states #2, even called and bragged to him.

What I know and what I can prove...two different things.

The irony......I was offered a job in the city where #2 lives. Would it be wrong to introduce myself?


Blogger Jade said...

That sounds exceptionally frustrating. It also sounds like #2 has been around the block more than a few times.

...and as to introducing yourself... I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it sounds fun.

9:53 AM  
Blogger deputydog said...

the best part is that guy lives in my new pond and I found him and towed his car

10:59 PM  

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