Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another First

At the end of my shift I am called to a assault. A brother versus his sister. The brother gave sister a black eye, during a family barbecue. The brother had too much to drink and the sister was trying to get him to slow down.

The issue is that the brother is a deaf mute. He know sign language and can read some lips, but he won't talk to his brother who is the only one who knows sign language.
I use a pad and paper. He admits to punching his sister.
I have to try to get by with hand gestures and making sure eye I have eye contact.I try to let him know he is under arrest and hope gets most of it.


A report of a disturbance at a apartment complex involving 15 people, one with a baseball bat.

There were several minor alcohol involved disturbances, which came to a head with a man chasing another with a club.

I get there and start sorting things out. Chris says that a man chased him down the stairway with a stick.
I knock on the door, no one will answers. But a lady comes out of the apartment next door.
"can I help you?"
-do you live here?
"yes with my husband Nate"
-can i see if they he is home?
"yes", she unlocks it and steps away.

I knock and announce, checking each room as I go into the apartment.
After checking several rooms, Nate pops his head out of the bathroom door.
Nate is a hardened felon, time in prison, scars and tattoos to prove it.
-what happened?
"I have been in prison. The three things you don't do 1) hit women 2) don't talk shit 3) don't call me a punk or a rat"
-so what he do
"He called me a punk, was pushing a lady and i had to protect my family. The third time he tried to start a fight with me, I grabbed the club and went after him."

Nate asks to talk to his wife. I allow her in.
"wife I am going to jail, I love you".
He knows before I tell him.
Nate doesn't struggle, argue, protest, put up a fight or lie. He asks for simple considerations to help out his wife, I go out of my way to do those things assist Nate and his wife.
"thank you"
-I appreciate you being cooperative and being respectable.
"I know and I appreciate you helping my wife"

I know

I followed a car for several minutes, but didn't pull it over for a equipment violation, because all other unite are tied up.
Twenty minutes later another officer broadcast a stolen vehicle...the vehicle I was following.
-i am pretty sure i know where it is
-i followed it about 20 minutes ago, it pulled into an apartment complex

The vehicle is parked in the apartment complex, with no one around.
-well at least they get there vehicle back...

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Grand Jury

The grand jurors are so used to seeing me at least once a week now, we are on a first name basis.

A grand jury reviews felony cases to make sure it is "true bill" ie a good case