Monday, September 30, 2013

Word of the day

Most days at the beginning or the end of a shift, a phrase it picked that sums up the day. Yesterdays..."Apathy!!! god damn it!"

Friday, September 27, 2013


Nelson runs away from a court ordered facility. He hides all night in 20 degree weather and is seen walking the next morning. I get assigned the call and drive to the area to find Nelson trying to hitchhike. I pull up behind him and start talking to him. Nelson turns and runs through a field. I follow him for a 1.5 half before the field is blocked by marsh/wetland, a mile in each way blocking his path. -don't go in there its deeper than it looks and you will get hypothermia He start treking across the marsh. "I'm stuck and soaked" -I told you "aren't you coming to get me out?" I get to the edge and sink into my shins, covering pants and boots with gray muck. -you got in by yourself, now you got to get out. It takes him 4 minutes to free himself from the mud. Nelson decides the 70 feet back to me is not as bad as the 300 feet of mud before him. Nelson is soaked to the bone, through 3 layers of clothes, from the waist down, covered in marsh mud. I have the ambulance check him out when we get back to the road to make sure he gets warmed up. I take him to jail and then spend 20 minutes hosing my boots and pants off, before changing into dry clean socks, boots and pants.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I generated 8 complaints over 3 days, from three people. 1-for not shaking a guys hand 2-pulling a guy out of a car "for no reason" and arresting him 3-searching his belongings "for no reason" Same lady 4-having car keys from a vehicle that eluded me and was dumped. 5-harassing the owner of the car 6- being "an asshole" 7- telling "lies" 9- after female touched me and was restrained, "for assault" All complaint referred to Admin, who labeled them UNF-unfounded.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Knee Jerk and Hammer

The new reaction to problems in the department is over-knee jerk reactions, followed by trying to hammer square pegs into round holes, only to realize a week later the best solution was something easy.