Thursday, July 31, 2014


A deputy looks at the call numbers for the year. I have the highest number of calls for service by 200 to the next closest officer. The next closest to him is 500. That does not take the 3 months I was a Field Training Officer and did not take calls. I explain to the other officer, "self initiation, taking calls and traffic"


At a deceased person call I arrive to find the family mourning and remembering. The family has long ties to the area. As I finish my part and prepare to leave I give my condolences to the family. I ask adult son if he needs anything. He ask for a hug. I give him a hug.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Fire Season

Fire Alert went to a new level, after second fire started in area. I spend most of a shift knocking on doors, asking them to leave there homes. The next day I block the road into the area preventing stranger, looters and lookie loos from entering the area