Sunday, September 27, 2009


If the getting my car crushed or being Loud DD wasn't enough to make me memorable, Sgt calls and say "I know you are home but I thought you would get a kick out of this"
Sgt was gone for the end of the shift driving to the edge of a pond to collect a lady who was threatening and harassing people at the restaurant and wouldn't leave. It took him about 4 hours round trip.

"I picked up this lady and the whole way back she kept saying 'Cocksucker false arrest DD grill mother fucker'
- was that the lady we took out of the hotel 4 months ago?
"yeah and she evidently remembers you and repeated that the whole 1.5 hrs ride back"
-that is funny crap I'm famous

4 months earlier the lady had been dropped off at hotel in town. she was yelling at people and being incoherent. she didn't answer any questions we asked her with any sort of sensible reply. as soon as we decided to take her into custody she started getting goofy and as i took her to the psych ward, still trying to figure out her name.

-mam what is your name?
"what is your name?"
-my name is DD what is yours?
"fucking cock sucker, false arrest DD" (which she came up with 15 different variations over the next 5 minutes)

evidently I am loved

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I worked with DL at my first pond. He moved ponds once, I have moved twice.
I get a chance to have lunch with him. We talk shop about our new ponds and about how the first pond was such a goat rope.
I miss DL, he is good people and was nice to see him and talk for the three hours.
I important to keep tabs on good people.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Sally is a cab driver. She leases the cab from the company and starts each shift "buying time" from the cab company, already in the hole.

Sally calls she is missing $30. Tina's mom called and charged $20 on a card to take Tina around. Tina starts out the ride by asking Sally for the leftover $ from the fare. Sally then drives Tina to Albertsons. Tina convinces Sally to take an item inside to return it, while Tina stays in the car. Sally then drops Tina off at a salon near lotto den. Sally gets back to her station and discovers $30 is missing from her cab. Sally searches the car, she can't find the money and she has only 1 fare, Tina.

I look for Tina at her house and then at the Salon and lotto den. Tina is outside the lotto den. She denies taking the money, but allows me to look in her bag. I find no money but a box of self tanner, with no receipt. Tina wants me to call one of the Detectives. I call the detective and informs me Tina is working for them doing buys. I explain I can't prove Tina took the money.

I have another officer watch Tina while I go talk to the Salon and the lotto den. The manager of the Salon confirms Tina came in, but didn't buy anything. I ask to see her selection of self tanner. They have the same type of tannner found in Tina's purse. The manager thinks it is odd because there are only two boxes on display and there were 3 when she opened the store. I ask if she could identify Tina and a box of tanner to see if it belonged inventory. She also confirms she has not sold any of that type of tanner for several months. She confirms Tina came in and the box was in her inventory and not purchased. Tina comes in regularly and never buys anything. The manager has suspected her of stealing for months, but never could catch her.

I call the detective and tell him Tina is now shoplifting.
"okay, screw her, arrest her. she isn't smart enough to not steal with 26 months over her head."
-will do.
I wasn't asking the Detective permission, but it best not to ruffle their feathers or take them out of the loop.

Tina you are under arrest for stealing the tanner. I can't prove you took the $30 but it didn't walk out of the cab and you were the only in the cab.

Tina denies taking the tanner stating she bought it months ago and has a receipt at home....somewhere.

Tina "okay i took the tanner, but I didn't take the money. I put $50 in the lotto machines, so I couldn't have 30. Call the detective. "
-30 + 20 is 50 and I am guessing it all went into lotto machine. i did, he said you are on your own. you are a thief and a liar and you are going to jail

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Play nice

Sex offender #1 calls. His buddy, Sex offender #2, called and left a threatening voicemail. #1 came out to this area years ago and then invited his buddy #2 to come out, seems like this area is perfect to escape your past. Sex offenders tend to move to get away from there crimes. Convicted in Montana moved to Georgia, its harder to keep tabs on you. Lining in the middle no where and #1 wants me to drive out there to talk.

#1 wants charges press for a threat, even after they used to live together and #1 called #2 earlier in the day. There is no crime and it is stupid at best. He doesn't know where #2 is, but saw him earlier in the day. I call #2 and leave a message.
-don't call #1 or you will go to jail.

the end.
Sgt tells me all of the details of #1 and #2 crimes, I found it hard to care about anything #1 or #2 would tell me. Thinking it would be safer without them.

Traffic Court

I average about 5 traffic tickets a shift. Not bad, but lead traffic guy averages about 14 s shift, but he doesn't take too many calls.
I had traffic court last week 1 ticket. Mr. H took offense to getting a speeding ticket. He told me when i gave it to him. I stopped two cars at once, H was the second.
Mr. H was prepared with 3 pages of questions for me. Mr. H doesn't want the ticket and asks snarky questions.

how far he was behind car #1? -about 100 ft
I am certified for all individual types of radar in each car? - no I don't have to be.
how long i have work in LE?-3 years
how long i have work radar?-3 years
how long i worked for the department?- 10 months
who was the second car that pulled up behind you? -i don't remember, it most likely was OSP checking on me
what did he talk about?- I don't remember, probably checking if i was ok
why did he point at the vehicles?- i don't know
do you pull over vehicles going 58 in a 55?- not unless it's unsafe for the conditions
so you are breaking the law by not enforcing it?- no, it just not reasonable
is radar 100%?- no.

it went on for 20 minutes for a speeding ticket. the judge says she will review and mail a judgement. Mr H. leaves I walk out and someone awaiting to testify for another trial comes out and say
"man how do you put up with that? I wanted to kick that guys ass"
-it is no a problem, he didn't want a ticket and everyone gets their chance to argue

i get into my car and start to drive off. Mr H waves me down in the parking lot
"No hard feelings, I have worked with LE for years, I respect what you do"
-not a problem, everyone gets a chance to show there side and it was a interesting argument
he shakes my hand i drive off

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I met Jenny 4 months ago.
She and her bf Darrin, were splitting up. Darrin evidently knocked up another lady. Jenny did not appreciate that and took the two kids.
What occurred during the next week was example of how people behave when they break up.

My first call was Jenny was at their home, grabbing her stuff to leave. Darrin was there with his parents. Jenny accused Darrin's mom of pushing her. Darrin's mom accuse Jenny of throwing a cord at her. Jenny wants to take a car registered to Darrin, even though her DL is suspended.

I get there, Jenny is with her parent outside the house and Darrin is in the house with his parents.

Both sides explain how evil, crazy, wrong, stupid, guilty the other parts is. The house has been ransacked, complete with notes scribbled lipstick.

Each party also alleges prior abuse from the last week, that they did not report and don't have any real witnesses. Darrin's dad threatened Jenny when she came to his house at 3 am. Darrin tackled Jenny's dad at his house.
-why didn't you report it?
"we were trying to be civil
-if you want to make a report call
"we will think about it"
-okay everyone stay away from each other. get lawyers so we don't have anymore problems, if you want a restraining order or secure property you believe you have a right to go the court. have a nice night.

they separate.
Part 2:
Jenny's mom calls and wants to report Jenny's dad was assaulted by Darrin last week and they want to press charges. I investigate and start interviewing who was there. Darrin was there and there was a scuffle, which puts Darrin in the wrong, but Jenny's family neglects to mention the bbgun or rifle that was pointed and shot at Darrin, who will press charges if has charges pressed against him. I explain that to both parties, suddenly there are no victims, no crime.


Part 3:
Jenny, who I know is suspended drives by with no seatbelt, in Darrin's car.
I stop her. she is talking to her friend and looks at me.
"well it's no good lying to you, you know I am suspended"
-isn't this Darrin's car?
"he is letting me borrow it, things are civil now.
-well i hate to tell you this cars registration is not current, not to Darrin, you weren't wearing a seatbelt and you are suspended. I'll be impounding it.
"okay, my house is just up the block"
-glad to hear things are at least civil, you guys have kids together.

Part 4:
yesterday Jenny drives by in the same car i towed her in the last time.
I stop her, I am pretty sure she is suspended, the registration is still wrong and expired.
-hey Jenny
"I got a license now, but it's not on me, i left my purse at home." (women don't leave there purses at home)
-okay. how are things?
"Darrin and I are back together, We are seeing counsellors"
-okay the registration is still wrong and expired

Dispatch informs me Jenny is still suspended and she has two warrants.
-hey Jenny would you step back to my car?

-Jenny you have two warrants, so here is the deal. I am not going to arrest you in front of the your kids. Can someone come down and pick the car and the kids?
"Yeah I call Darrin"
Darrin comes and picks up the kids and the car.

I handcuff Jenny and take her jail.
"thanks for letting Darrin take the car and not cuffing me infront of the kids"
-I am glad you guys are trying for the kids and you have always been cooperative.


A day off spent getting dressed to go to court. I prepared and met the DA early before the trial.
"it probably won't go. the victim and the suspect are living together"
-well at least we have the 2 harassment and disorderly conduct.
"yeah we will probably only do the one harassment. did you advise the suspect he was being recorded?"
(the suspect drunkenly rambled the 20 minutes to the jail, i recorded it).
-yes, when i put him in the car, before i started recording him. you listen to it?
"yeah, great stuff, but next time record yourself advising him he was being recorded"
-will do

I wait 20 minutes for the DA to tell us the hearing has been pushed out.

My both my court cases for the next day get postponed. 1 traffic and 1 juvenile case.
The juvenile case would have been done by now, had the parent accepted the DA's offer.
So your kid started a fire, take the deal and move on. He is a juvenile and as long as he does the assessment and has no other similar behaviors, it won't follow him into adulthood. Not this mother. Her son is a saint. The money she has spent on a lawyer and wasting everyone's time...hope it is worth it.


The murder rate for the pond has doubled, most occurring in the last couple of weeks.
All senseless.
robberies gone bad. 18 yr olds with beefs.

school started leaving shifts short for SRO.
officers are taking pre-arranged vacations.
we are still short.
i have spent the last three shift going from call to call. when i can, between assault and violation of restraining call, calls i handle other calls. the barking dog calls, the noise complaints, littering etc.
its draining.
there is no real end in sight.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Long days

The past four days we have been short. The brass has been robbing days for swings. The extra school resource officers have returned to working schools, taking another patrol to fill a vacancy.
I am averaging 23+ calls a shift, not including the info calls on the two major cases that are under investigation.

I haven't made it home for lunch in 3 days, managing to get a sandwich between calls. Today I pull into Subway between calls. A guy almost opens his door into my patrol car. I smile and make small talk with him towards Subway, happy to get a meal.

I get grabbed by a lady. There are two little kids in a car and I don't know where the adult is. I walk to the car and mom comes out. I get listen to them yell at each other and I get to mediate and make my way back to Subway. There are 8 people in front of me, including the gentleman who nearly smacked my door.

I wait and order my sandwich and get ready to pay for it. The employee never asks for money, I wasn't paying attention, I was thinking about filling up my water bottle with ice and water. Staying cool. The gentleman in front of me paid for my sandwich, before I could do anything about it. I thank him profusely, giving me a smile and making my 5 minute lunch better.